Learn about each Kanda resident and sign up to sponsor your favorite friends! Sponsorships are a great way to support Kanda with an automatic monthly donation. With your sponsorship you will receive a sponsor certificate, a small thank you gift, quarterly updates on your new friend, and a free private tour for you and a small group each year.
Sponsor certificates will be mailed to the address we receive with your subscription. If you are gifting the sponsorship or would like any other name besides the one listed with the sponsorship please email us as well. You can reach us here. Please also reach out to schedule your private tour. Tours must be scheduled at least one month in advance.
Residents who do not have a sponsor are underlined. Our goal is for each resident to have a sponsor by Jan 31, 2023!

The Fam
Dali, her 8 babies,​ and 8 other pigs were going to be killed that night if they didn't find a new home. The home owners had 3 pigs and had to temporarily move. They rented their house and the tenants agreed to take care of the pigs, including neutering the boy. The home owners were home for a holiday and found way more than 3 pigs, and the tenants said they were out of food & just planning on shooting them that night. Thankfully the owners contacted us. Mama Dali was also pregnant with 10 babies, who she gave birth to at Kanda.
Click the link to learn more about each member of the Fam & sign up to sponsor!

Little George was in a shelter in NC with a severe scrotal hernia after escaping a factory farm. We wanted to help him but first had to get him here! A coordinator for Pilots & Paws sent out a request for help & it so happened that pilot Christopher was already in NC and headed back home to Chicago! He offered to fly Georgie home. George had his initial hernia surgery followed by complications along with another surgery. But he is now recovered and living his best pig life.
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Stanley was found wandering after he jumped off a transport truck on his way to a "fattening barn". Stanley was found by a kind family who eventually realized he needs more than they can provide and took him to a local rescue. The rescue is not yet set up for big pigs, so they asked us to help! Luckily, Stanley saved his own life and found his way to us where he will forever know love and safety!
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Like so many others just like him, Lucas was born in a factory farm. At just a few days old his tail was cut short, his needle teeth pulled, & he was castrated without sedation or pain meds. At just 3 weeks old he was separated from his Mama & loaded into a big truck along with his siblings. Unlike the others, Lucas never made it to the fattening facility. He jumped out of that truck onto a local highway where a nice lady found him & he ended up at Kanda, instead of on someones plate.
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Franklin was found as a stray by a farmer who also didn't want him. They advertised him for free on Craigslist and luckily a compassionate person saw him before someone else who wouldn't have good intentions. They contacted us and we were able to help Frank. When he got to us he had a painful ring in his nose to stop him from rooting. We were able to have the ring removed and Franklin is now a happy, playful piglet. His favorite thing in the world is belly rubs and laying right on top of us.
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Mr Peter presumably jumped out of a transport truck or was thrown out of a car about 3 years ago and found safety and love in a private home. Unfortunately though, Peter and his family were losing their home. It's hard enough to find placement for big pigs, but especially on a time crunch. Luckily we had a paddock open & were able to take in this incredibly sweet boy!
Peter still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive updates!

Lyla was living in a 4x4 mud pit with a tiny broken dog house and she was being fed dog food, which is toxic to pigs. Luckily, a local dog rescue got her right before that horrible winter storm hit. However, they are a dog rescue and they aren't set up for pigs & had dogs trying to attack her. We were able to say yes to helping sweet Lyla!
Lyla still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive updates!

Naomi was part of a hoarding case a sanctuary in OH took on and she was suffering from a ton of cysts and tumors taking over her poor body. The other sanctuary rushed her to OSU where they said her only option was euthanasia. After talking with the sanctuary, we talked to our favorite surgeon at Purdue who agreed to at least try to save her. We took over Naomi's care and she did wonderfully through surgery and recovery!! Now Naomi is living her best life and making so many friends!
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Humphrey came from a home where he was so very loved by his previous owner, but was abused by his owner's family. His previous owner did everything he could to protect Humphrey, including moving out of the abusive home. But unfortunately the new landlord would not allow Humphrey to stay. Out of options, his owner contacted us for help. Humphrey came to us scared & intact. We got him fixed and he has really started to warm up to us. Humphrey loves to talk and will happily tell us all about it while enjoying belly rubs.​
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We were alerted to 3 mini piglets who showed up at a pig farm after being abandoned to fend for themselves. There were 2 males & 1 female, & at only 3 mo there was fear she was pregnant. We knew we had to act fast if she was. Some amazing friends set out to catch all 3 piglets & were quickly successful! The boys went to another rescue & miss Suzy came to Kanda for her life saving spay & to live the rest of her life in piggy luxury instead of having to fight to survive.
Sponsor Suzy for just $20/month & receive exclusive updates!

Ralphie & his family were part of an agriculture program at a college. They were bred at the facility but it was decided these boys, Ralphie & his 2 brothers, weren't wanted. The students found out these boys were going to be killed & pled with the faculty to let them find sanctuary.
Ralphie still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $25/month to receive exclusive updates!

Emmie came to us at only 6 months old and very pregnant. Sweet Emmie gave birth shorty after rescue to 5 beautiful babies, then adopted another piglet in need the next day. Emmie was a great mama despite her young age. She raised her babies until they could be weaned, and is now finally enjoying her life on her terms, as she should! She's a favorite around the sanctuary and loves to greet everyone who comes to visit!
Emmie still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive Emmie updates!

Storme jumped off a transport truck, just like Stanley and many before her. She's an especially small baby and suffered a fracture to her jaw, puncture in her lung, and many painful scrapes and bruises. Thankfully she is healing well and becoming a spunky, happy piglet! We are thankful Storme jumped and will now know nothing but love here at Kanda. We are grateful we will get to watch her grow and thrive!
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Abby Jane
Abby Jane
Abby Jane was found wandering the side of a busy road by a kind couple. They called Kanda and we agreed to take her in. By her age, injuries, and breed, we can only guess she jumped off a transport truck. Abby Jane suffered a broken jaw on both sides and is receiving the best care to help her heal and grow. She is a sweet and gentle piggy who is very curious and loves to root, even with her injuries. We are excited to show Abby Jane all the beauty life has to offer!
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Cora was born completely blind in one eye & at least partially blind in the other. The farmer instantly fell in love with Cora and sought sanctuary for her. She was originally supposed to go to another sanctuary, but due to COVID-19, she couldn't get there. So we agreed to take Cora in! This spunky girl doesn't seem to realize she's blind. Nothing holds her back from sneaking around & getting into trouble. But as soon as she gets caught she smothers us in kisses as if to say "no not me, never me!"
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Meeko was sold as a "micro pig" to his original family. Micro or teacup pigs are not real and breeders tell the buyers to keep the pigs on a strict diet. This special diet actually starves the pig and stunts his growth. So poor Meeko came to us very underweight. Luckily he came from a family who loves him & knew he needed more than they could provide. Meek-man is a sweet, goofy, laid-back guy, until he thinks he needs food or finds a bar stools to knock over. But we wouldn't have him any other way!
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Poor Marge was living outside with nothing but a wooden box to call her own. Her family had 7 kids with another on the way & 2 dogs. It seems like Marge was forgotten. We are not sure what she was being fed, but it wasn't a proper piggy diet. Her skin was in horrible shape. And I mean horrible. We aren't really sure what Marge went through before she got here, but what we do know is that she is a sweet and sassy independent woman. She loves her family fiercely and often takes the babies under her wing.
Marge still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive Marge updates!

Peg was a family pet until the family fell on hard times and had to move. They desperately searched for a home for Peg with little time before she would be set loose or killed. We received a plea to help this obese piggy and knew we had to help. Peg has been working on her weight loss, but she rules her herd, so it has been a challenge. Peg is a sassy, goofy pig who will always make sure her opinion is heard! We love how much Peg has blossomed here at Kanda and can't wait for her to be a healthy weight as well.
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Sweet baby Tru was found running down the road by a kind woman who took her in and contacted us. Tru somehow escaped a factory farm. She was sick, in extreme respiratory distress, suffered multiple broken ribs and injuries. Tru is now healing at her forever home, Kanda, where she will never have to worry about being treated with anything but kindness. We are so happy with Tru's recovery and love watching her grow and thrive at Kanda!
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Theo aka Theodorable, was abandoned at a local shelter for "pooping too much in the house." That was a new excuse to us. The shelter isn't set up for pigs and we were happy to help. Theo is one of the sweetest & silliest boys ever and brings joy to everyone he meets!
Theo still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $25/month to receive exclusive updates!

Penelope was born on a CAFO and was destined to be sent to slaughter. But with slaughter houses shutting down due to COVID-19, farmers were selling off their pigs, as well as other farmed animals. This particular CAFO gave their sick pigs to a cattle farmer, who was convinced to surrender at least the sickest pigs. We were contacted about these piglets & knew we had to help. Penelope is a high strung piglet full of personality, sass, and even more love!
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Andi was rescued during the Indy Pig Rescue mission in June of 2019. Over 70 pigs were caught in a neglect case and set for euthanasia. A group of sanctuaries, including Kanda, stepped in to save all of the pigs. ​Many were adopted out to forever homes or split between the sanctuaries that made up the Indy Pig Rescue group. Andi formed a special bond with Cheesecake, and we knew we couldn't separate them. So Andi is a permanent Kanda resident!
Andi still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive updates!

William was purchased by a woman who didn't know much about pigs but fell in love with his cute face. Then she broke her hip and could no longer care for him so her son took him in. Tthey didn't realize that pigs & dogs often don't do well together & his dog was dead set on eating this little piglet. With the help of many other rescues, we were able to get William out of there & to Kanda quickly, before he was injured.
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Albert was rescued in 2021 after a kind family purchased a house and found multiple animals had been left on the property, including sweet Albert. Albert clearly never knew love or proper care. He is extremely obese and never had proper shelter. Sweet boy is loving the good life now and losing weight!
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Kevin was found wander as a stray in our neighboring county. There is no animal control to help Kevin, but a kind family secured him in their dog's kennel and called us. We were happy to help! We wish we knew more about Kevin, but we are happy he is here! Kevin is a goofy love bug!!
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Gus was born in a factory farm. He had just been weaned from his mom & packed into a transport truck with his brothers & sisters when he jumped for his life! Gus was found running down the interstate when Animal Control picked him up and called us. Thankfully we were able to take Gus in and give him a forever home at Kanda! Now Gus will be able to live his life however he pleases, just like every pig should!
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Obie was born to be a show pig, but he was the runt of his liter and the breeders knew Obie would never make weight. A kind family adopted Obie and loved him for 3 years, until they were no longer able to provide all that Obie needs to be a happy healthy pig. They reached out to us and we were happy to accept this sweet boy into our herd and hearts!
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Mason jumped off a transport truck when the truck went around a corner and the back door fell open. Reports of 5-20 piglets got out of the truck, but only 2 survived. Mason & Clayton were both found separately by kind people who then found them help. We were happy to be able to take in both boys together!
Mason still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive updates!

Brenda was another Indy Pig Rescue pig who was rescued from extreme cruelty and neglect. Brenda was one of the only pigs on the property who didn't have any friends or family in her pen with her. Since her rescue, Brenda has become one of the sweetest pigs. She never stops talking and will drop everything to greet you. She also sings when you itch just the right spot on her back!​
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Karen is the third "big girl" to call Kanda home after the Indy Pig Rescue mission. We knew it would be difficult and scary to adopt out the big pigs, so we were more than happy to make room for Karen and her sisters! Karen was the last of the 3 to allow us to touch her. She has since learned that belly rubs are amazing, but is still a little jumpy. We are so proud of her and how much she trusts us already in such little time, especially after all they have been through.
Karen still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive Karen updates!

Annabel came to us a loved house pig. She was so very "spoiled" that she was morbidly obese. Her mama fed her as a way of showing love, but it was killing her. Annabel couldn't even walk she was so obese. Her mama could no longer take care of Annabel so she reached out to us for help. She has been working hard at losing weight and learning to be a pig again. Annabel has even made pig friends and completely fell in love with her new BFF Charlotte!
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Clayton jumped off a transport truck when the truck went around a corner and the back door fell open. Reports of 5-20 piglets got out of the truck, but only 2 survived. Mason & Clayton were both found separately by kind people who then found them help. We were happy to be able to take in both boys together!
Clayton still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive updates!

Princess lived with her loving family for 5 years until extreme circumstances lead to having to rehome her. After searching on facebook, they were recommended to a local woman who called herself a rescue. Little did they know Princess was not going to the best home. She was there for only 4 days before the "rescue" reached out to us to take Princess. When she arrived she was physically & emotionally broken. We have worked hard with Princess to show her she is still loved and valued. She is healing well and making friends at Kanda!
Princess still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive updates!

Ethel was another Indy Pig Rescue pig who was rescued from extreme cruelty and neglect. Ethel, and her BFFs Vivian and Annette, went to a family during the Indy Pig Rescue, but after a year at their home, they needed to come to Kanda. Ethel is a sweet and adventurous piggy. She's always busy and loves talking smack to the pigs in surrounding paddocks.
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Hubert & Cubert & their 2 siblings were "inherited" when a guy bought the house they where they were living. Unfortunately the 2 siblings did not make it through the winter & these guys needed to go. Not knowing what to do, the guy listed them for free for slaughter. Luckily we were able to take them in & save them from a terrible fate.
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Vivian was another Indy Pig Rescue pig who was rescued from extreme cruelty and neglect. Vivan, and her BFFs Ethel and Annette, went to a family during the Indy Pig Rescue, but after a year at their home, they needed to come to Kanda. Vivian is a shy little girl who prefers to stay close to her sister Annette. Vivian also really appreciates a good nap and often goes straight back to bed after her meals.
Vivian still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $25/month to receive exclusive Vivian updates!

Cubert & Hubert & their 2 siblings were "inherited" when a guy bought the house they where they were living. Unfortunately the 2 siblings did not make it through the winter & these guys needed to go. Not knowing what to do, the guy listed them for free for slaughter. Luckily we were able to take them in & save them from a terrible fate.
Cubert still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $25/month to receive exclusive updates!

Annette was another Indy Pig Rescue pig who was rescued from extreme cruelty and neglect. Annette, and her BFFs Vivian and Ethel, went to a family during the Indy Pig Rescue, but after a year at their home, they needed to come to Kanda. Annette is a very loving and gentle girlie. She loves nothing more the squeal at us and get belly rubs. Annette is the protector of her sisters and can usually be found with Vivian hanging close by.
Annette still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $25/month to receive exclusive Annette updates!

Madeline found herself at a shelter when she was pretty young. A kind lady pulled Madeline from the shelter, but unfortunately she wasnt zoned for pigs. So Mads couldn't even go outside & lived in a bathroom for far too long. Between her restricted space, lack of enrichment, and fights with the dog, Madeline became aggressive. Luckily Animal Control was on her owner & Madeline was surrendered to us.
Madeline still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive updates!

Primrose was rescued from a horrible hoarding case along with her friends, Beth, Amy, Pippa, and Stacy Ann. This case had a "free pigs" sign in the front yard and pigs were being handed out to god knows who. By the time we got there, these 5 girls were the only ones left. Prim needs to lose weight to be healthy and potentially available for adoption. Shes a demanding and loving girl & we are happy to have her here!!
Primrose still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $20/month to receive exclusive Prim updates!

Dolly was abandoned by her previous humans in June 2023 then in September she was attacked by her previous human's dogs. She ran away & disappeared for weeks before reappearing in her neighborhood. So the neighbors sought help. It took 11 days for a group of amazing volunteers & neighbors to catch Dolly, but shw was finally caught & made her way up to Kanda.
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Pistol Annie
Pistol Annie was found at an Amish farm, cast aside from her mama & family at only a week old. The people who found her saved her & brought her to a friend who knew more about pigs. She saved Pistol from near death and helped her grow to a thriving happy piglet! After Pistol was weaned she came to Kanda to live her best life.
Sponsor Pistol Annie for just $20/month & receive exclusive updates!
Pistol Annie

Charlotte jumped off a transport truck going down I74 in Crawfordsville in July of 2023. Luckily she had relatively few injuries & none life-threatening. Charlotte was born to be raised for her meat, to be sent to slaughter at just 6 months old. Instead she liberated herself & will live her entire natural life in sanctuary!
Charlotte still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $30/month to receive exclusive Charlotte updates!

Peaches was posted on FB needing a new home. She's a 2 year old mini pig who was starved to stay small. Peaches weighed only 28 lbs on rescue, 3-4x smaller than she should have been. With love & a good balanced diet Peaches is slowly gaining weight & learning how great life is!
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Felix was dumped in a wooded area, presumably for the simple fact that he is a rooster and can't "provide" eggs. A group of kind people spent a week trying to catch sweet Felix to no avail, then called us. We went out to see if we could help, and by the craziest stroke of luck, he wandered into a neighbor's coop where they could secure him until we picked him up. Felix is one of the sweetest boys we've ever met. We can't believe someone would dump him!
Sponsor Felix for just $10/month & receive exclusive updates!

Pete was rescued during Pioneer Days, a barbaric event in WI where they throw chickens off a roof into a drunken crowd in the middle of February. Lucky for Pete, a kind activist caught him and he was safe. Pete spent 2 years in a foster home, and when they could no longer care for Pete and his BFF Max, we were able to take him in! Pete is a shy and gentle boy but is warming up to us.
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Quincy (along with about 10,000 other hens) were saved from a factory farm that was closing down due to COVID-19. The farmers were literally gassing hens while rescuers pulled as many as they could. It was a huge rescue effort and we are so thankful Quincy was saved. Quincy is the flock leader, and a fearless one at that! She loves to crow in the morning & make sure all her friends are well cared for during the day.
Quincy still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $10/month to receive exclusive Quincy updates!

Peter, along with his brothers, was dumped at a shelter because he was born a rooster and was deemed "useless" by his family. Roosters obviously can't produce eggs so they are considered a byproduct of the egg industry. Peter and his brothers now get to live their lives together in a bachelor flock, where they don't have to worry about producing anything for humans!
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Michael, along with his brothers, was dumped at a shelter because he was born a rooster and was deemed "useless" by his family. Roosters obviously can't produce eggs so they are considered a byproduct of the egg industry. Michael and his brothers now get to live their lives together in a bachelor flock, where they don't have to worry about producing anything for humans!
Michael still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $10/month to receive exclusive Michael updates!

Davy, along with his brothers, was dumped at a shelter because he was born a rooster and was deemed "useless" by his family. Roosters obviously can't produce eggs so they are considered a byproduct of the egg industry. Davy and his brothers now get to live their lives together in a bachelor flock, where they don't have to worry about producing anything for humans!
Davy still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $10/month to receive exclusive Davy updates!

Steeve was found in the middle of the road one day when Kate was on a feed run. A car had clipped his ear and tail. He also had a mysterious patch of missing fur. Steeve was incredibly lucky that was the extent of his injuries. He is now a happy playful kitten and will get to call Kanda his forever home!
Steeve still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $15/month to receive exclusive Steeve updates!

Michael Allen KiKi
Michael Allen KiKi (or MAK) was a stray cat who wander to Kanda & never left! He took a few months to warm up to us then decided he would really love the indoor life. We're lucky to have Michael Allen KiKi the snuggle bug in our lives.
MAK still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $15/month to receive exclusive updates!

Sonny was rescued with Albert the pig, Bunny, Apple, & Cleo after she her owners moved & abandoned her & her friends. Sonny loves to play rough with his sisters and chase toys! He's a little timid of us humans, but he will come close if we have tasty food!
Sonny still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $15/month to receive exclusive Sonny updates!

Apple was rescued with Albert the pig, Bunny, Cleo, & Sonny after her owners moved & abandoned her & her friends. Apple is shy yet curious and loves to play her favorite game, sneak up on the humans & attack!! Its all in fun though, Apple loves a good head scratch after she's done with her games.
Apple still needs a sponsor! Sign up for just $15/month to receive exclusive Apple updates!

Bunny was found along with many other animals after their owner moved and did not take them with. Sweet Bunny is missing his tail and has some issues with his spine. We knew we had to help this special boy. And he quickly won over our hearts too!
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Luna was found wandering a neighborhood after being dumped by her owners. Often bunnies are dumped when their owners realize they are more work than just feeding & watering them. Lucky for Luna a sweet couple spotted her and brought her inside. They contacted us and we were able to give Luna her forever home. Luna is an adorably high energy girl who already loves Keef, our dog.​
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